Acupuncture Practitioner – Diploma Program

Start March and September each year
This 91.5 credit Acupuncture Practitioner diploma program is based upon a 2100 hour curriculum develops a level knowledge of Acupuncture which meets the national competency standards to enable the graduate to undertake Pan-Canadian examinations. The Pan-Canadian examinations are the entry level standard for regulated provinces such as British Columbia, Alberta, New Brunswick and transferable to Quebec. Each credit is approximately equivalent to 24 contact hours, based upon a class size of 18.
The Program may be completed on either a Full-time or Part-time basis.
Students enrolled in the Full-time Acupuncture Practitioner Program of study may be eligible, if qualified, for loans, grants, or awards granted under the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP). Visit OSAP website at
This program does not require approval under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005. Graduates apply for registration under the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncturists of Ontario…
Graduates of TCM diploma programs must pass qualifying examinations held by the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario (CTCMPAO) ( to become registered to work in the province of Ontario. The examinations will be conducted in either English or French and potential registrants must have landed immigrant status or Canadian citizenship and not have a criminal record.
Transfer Students – Prior Related Education: Upon request the Academy will assess applicants for related transfer credits, exemptions and challenge examinations as applicable. Requests must be made during the application period and prior to the issuance of a letter of acceptance. If transferring from another TCM school, request a “transfer application form”. (Policy on Website) All applicable International Academy of Health Education credits are fully transferable.
TCM Diploma Programs accepts about 30 transfer credits for RMT’s due to their previous related education.
Goals of Acupuncture
TCM acupuncture strives to put the body systems back in balance. Acupuncturists, through the skillful & careful placement of needles on “acupuncture points” (“xue” in Chinese), treat what we call “patterns of disharmony”. The end result is to clear the energy blockages and return the body to its normal flow and function. Personal health is about body balance and disease is the consequence of imbalance. An excess the wrong way leads to trouble in the body. Acupuncture is actually a gentle and effective way of bringing the body back into balance. The needles do not usually cause pain and the whole experience can bring about a sense of body calming.
In Chinese medicine, we use the term Qi ( pronounced CHEE) and this means vital energy or life force and enhancing or fixing Qi is fundamental to the path of prevention or curing body ailments.
Full-time – this equivalent 3 academic year program can be completed in 22 months –program starts March & September
-may also be started Part-Time with a transfer to the Full-time program
Part-time – starts March & September
–flexible completion – designed for full completion within 48 months
-the estimated time to complete the program can range between 3 to 5 years, depending on the availability of the student for scheduled subjects