Massage Therapy Student Clinics
Student clinics are back!
The International Academy of Massage is dedicated to graduating excellent massage therapists, who are able to determine the primary cause of client health complaints as they relate to the massage therapy scope of practice through their assessment capabilities and to subsequently design & execute a treatment plan, which has received the client’s informed consent.
The objective is for graduates to exemplify excellence in professional behaviour, standards of practice and community service.
This sector of study is highly challenging and encompasses the on-site teaching public clinics, corporate/hospital/community outreach clinics, sports events and special events.

Hands-on experience will support the classroom presentation of all academics and massage-related topics.
These clinical situations create the environment where RMT Faculty guide student learning, helping them hone skills in formulating valid clinical impressions, designing effective treatments to address client needs, alleviating client symptoms through the application of a variety of massage techniques and basic hydrotherapy modalities, as well as the charting of client records and record maintenance.
The Clinical experience also helps a student implement and understand the application of Ethics, Bylaws and Professional Development conduct and techniques. In addition to the practical application of skills, a practicing therapist will be required to know for future peer assessment needs, the following related topics: Consent/Health History forms/Record Keeping/Treatment Plan forms/PHIPA legislation/Quality Assurance Program/Personal Protective Equipment and Infection Control Knowledge/Legislation, Policies and Position Statements.
Student Public Wellness Clinics are Open to the General Public
Strict Health and Safety Protocols are in place – there is a Risk Assessment Screening of Clients – masks are required to be worn.
Massage students at the International Academy gain valuable hands-on experience in our on-site teaching clinic that offers massage to members of the public and from supervised participation in many types of off-site activities and events.
This training module is designed for the practical application of theoretical, academic, and technical studies, in a supervised environment.
The International Academy’s program incorporates over 414 hours of on-site and off-site, Registered Massage Therapist (R.M.T.) supervised, clinical work with the general public.
Valuable Skill Training
Massage students at the International Academy gain valuable hands-on experience in our on-site teaching clinic that offers massage to members of the public and from supervised participation in many types of off-site activities and events.
This training module is designed for the practical application of theoretical, academic, and technical studies, in a supervised environment.
The International Academy’s program incorporates over 414 hours of on-site and off-site, Registered Massage Therapist (R.M.T.) supervised, clinical work with the general public.

Off-site clinics will include hospitals, retirement homes, corporate and government office venues as well as community and sporting events.
During on-site clinics, massage treatments are provided by students under the guidance of a supervising massage therapist. The role of the supervisor is to facilitate the students’ learning and to ensure that clients receive the appropriate therapy. Clients may either book for a relaxation focused massage or to have specific conditions and injuries assessed and treated through massage therapy. Students must pass a practical standards test before participating in relaxation massage treatments on the public and also successfully pass further standards tests to participate in treatment-oriented clinics. They also have completed a 7 module program by Health Ontario for Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC).
What to Expect as A Client

There are a few things you should know in anticipation of attending your first Student Clinic appointment.
- Appointments are necessary and may be booked online via Appointment Plus or by calling 613-820-4046
- Clinics are generally held on Tuesdays and Thursdays evenings.
- Upon arrival, please check-in with the team leader at the reception desk.
- Social distancing and health safety protocols are in place
- On your first visit you will be asked to complete a medical history form
- Please be assured that your privacy will be respected. All client records are treated respectfully & confidentially and within the normal practices of a health care facility.
- All massages take place in curtained cubicles or treatment room

- At the beginning of your treatment the student therapist will clarify your goals for the massage, review your general health, including a check of your blood pressure, ask specific or additional questions about aspects of your health history that may impact on your treatment, and conduct a physical assessment (observation, tests, palpation). This may take 10 – 15 minutes of the allocated appointment time and is an important part of the student’s learning.
- The student therapist must obtain your informed consent before providing you with massage therapy, which means discussing the proposed treatment plan with you and coming to a mutual agreement as to what it will entail. If you are unclear about any of the information, we encourage you to ask. The Academy would like to see you to gain the maximum benefit from your massage, and to feel relaxed and comfortable in the clinical environment.
- The student will leave the cubicle while you undress, having first explained what will be required. The level to which you will be asked to undress depends on the therapeutic requirements requested, however, the level of dress is always the decision of the client.
- You will always be properly draped with sheeting, so that only the part of your body being worked on at the time will be uncovered.
- The Academy has both male and female student therapists.
- During your massage, the R.M.T. supervisor will visit the cubicle. You can expect the supervisor to discuss your case presentation with the student therapist, and you might find that the supervisor shows the student therapist how to perform certain techniques and then has them demonstrated by the student therapist as a component of your massage. Occasionally, and only with your permission, you may be joined by another student or by an Academy officer, who is on rounds with the supervisor.
- Client comments and the number of return visitors to the clinics indicate the clinics are a wonderful and helpful experience. One that provides mutual benefit for the client and the student!